The #1 digital experience visibility platform

Kadiska is a digital experience monitoring platform, an integrated network visibility platform and application monitoring solution that closes the APM / NPM visibility gap.

What is Digital Experience Monitoring?

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) combines real user experience monitoring with network performance visibility and application monitoring across hybrid cloud, SaaS and PaaS hosting platforms. This 360° view across all layers and domains creates a visibility monitoring solution that allows enterprise IT teams to proactively detect, isolate and resolve digital experience, network and application performance issues.

The Kadiska digital experience platform takes over where traditional application and network monitoring solutions (NPM / APM) lose visibility: internet-based SD WAN, CDNs and networks secured by SASE/CASBs connecting work from anywhere users with cloud native and SaaS applications deployed across distributed, dynamic cloud platforms.

Digital Experience is the Platform

Business productivity depends on the performance of its digital platform. Digital experience monitoring provides the insight IT teams need to deliver a competitive edge:

  • Remote workers’ user experience is essential to employee retention and performance
  • Branch office and retail locations depend on flawless network connectivity
  • SaaS and cloud-hosted web applications need to be responsive and always on to meet expectations

Cloud native services are the key to accelerating digital transformation, allowing business to become more agile, shorten time to market, scale to global markets and optimize the bottom line. However, employees and customers rarely complain when impacted by poor performance. Our digital experience platform helps you stay several steps ahead.

Digital Experience Monitoring Visibility Gap

While digital platforms rely on cloud providers, IT organizations need to remain in control of application performance and their users’ digital experience. Legacy application and network performance monitoring platforms (APM, NPMD, RUM) fall short where most issues occur:

  • Hybrid, cloud and public networks
  • Business-critical SaaS and cloud applications
  • Work from home devices, browsers and ISPs
  • VPNs and secure access service edge (SASE/CASB)

Kadiska’s digital experience platform provides full visibility to detect any digital experience-impacting performance issue, then guide you to an effective resolution in the shortest possible time.

Digital Experience Monitoring for Modern Digital Platforms

Kadiska digital experience monitoring gives you end-to-end network and application performance visibility in context of the customer and employee digital experience. An Integrated application and network visibility platform empowers your team to:

  • Monitor the digital experience of every user, wherever they are located
  • Rapidly identify the root cause of performance degradations along the service chain
  • Proactively optimize digital infrastructure cost and performance

Network operations, IT operations, and site reliability engineering (SRE) teams can efficiently align and handoff network and application performance troubleshooting and optimization initiatives to deliver an amazing digital experience to every user.

Digital Experience Platform Capabilities

The Kadiska monitoring platform covers the three domains that primarily define users’ digital experience. It provides intelligent insight to gain control over:
Monitor the performance of your platform, websites and apps the way your customers experience them – from any region your business operates in. Proactively test from hundreds locations around the globe, and monitor real user experience without agents or overhead. Learn more.
Capture the digital experience of every employee using business-critical apps from any location: home, branch, store or headquarters. Integrated network and real-user monitoring breaks down app response time from device and browser to SaaS and cloud locations, non-intrusively. Learn more.
Monitor detailed network path performance to multi-cloud and hybrid infrastructure, SaaS and web apps to reveal bottlenecks along the complex networks that carry your business. Trace hybrid connectivity and SD WAN performance issues from the user and application point of view. Learn more.
Understand the full delivery chain to pinpoint cloud-native application performance degradations. Go beyond the limits of observability and agent-based APM to gain visibility across cloud networks and CDNs, dynamic multi-cloud hosting, and the impact of SaaS and third-party app integration. Learn more.

Digital Experience Platform Components

The Kadiska digital experience visibility platform overcomes blindspots introduced by cloud infrastructure, SaaS and PaaS, hybrid networks-of-networks, encrypted traffic and BYOD by uniquely combining insights from multiple data sources and monitoring methods.

Learn about the digital experience platform components that make 360° visibility simple to achieve and manage:

Gain full visibility into the digital experience of business-critical web and SaaS applications with real user monitoring reinvented for modern apps and infrastructure. Reveal the complex interaction between hosts, networks and browsers to optimize the productivity of onsite and work from home employees. See how.
Understand how your customers experience your cloud-hosted web and SaaS applications across all regions you do business. See how users consume, experience and interact with apps directly from their device, location and connection. Optimize application hosting and connectivity to deliver an exceptional online experience. See how.
Proactively detect and isolate issues with synthetic network path and performance tracing. Leverage hundreds of managed test stations around the globe or spin-up stations at enterprise sites, clouds and data centers to detect latency, loss and performance issues caused by DNS, TLS, CASBs, cloud gateways, SD WAN and internet / BGP routing. Learn more.


Kadiska’s AI-powered data analytics platform makes vast amounts of monitoring data easily consumable, while offering automated metric calculation, alerting and scope analysis, guide troubleshooting and root cause analysis. APIs provide easy, streaming integration with existing tools. Learn more.

A Simple, Powerful Digital Monitoring Platform

Kadiska was designed to help IT organizations, not give them one more tool to master and manage. Our digital experience platform is immediately intuitive and insightful, yet simple to deploy, scale and maintain. Kadiska is refreshingly different from typical technical debt:

  • Modern, turn-key SaaS platform
  • Unsurprising, simple, scalable licensing
  • Zero-touch, agent-free deployment
  • Non-intrusive real-user monitoring
  • Self-driving configuration and maintenance
  • Interactive, in-app support

We work hard to keep things simple and make life easy for IT professionals. We know the ropes — we’ve got apps too. 🙂

Kadiska is now part of Netskope
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