Salesforce Performance Dashboard

Is Salesforce down? Is Salesforce slow? Our Salesforce performance testing dashboard maps latency and Salesforce performance issues right now by user location.

App Performance Dashboards for SaaS, Cloud and Web Applications by Region - latency, loss, route, path performance, digital experience monitoring

Salesforce Performance Testing Dashboard

Salesforce issues are often caused by network latency, loss and routing changes. Is Salesforce down, or is your connection to and the many hostnames it relies on causing Salesforce performance issues? Our Salesforce performance dashboard answers “why is Salesforce so slow?” when issues are caused by internet, SD WAN, hybrid and cloud network performance to from key cities worldwide.

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Global Salesforce Performance

Latency in (ms)

Salesforce connectivity is continuously monitored by hundreds of Kadiska Net-Tracer test stations that track internet and BGP routing performance, path length, loss and latency between users and These Salesforce performance testing charts show global network performance to’s main hostnames and the cities with the worst Salesforce connectivity.

Use these charts to determine whether long network paths align with Salesforce responsiveness issues, and to identify where loss impacts Salesforce performance.

If you are experiencing Salesforce issues right now, Kadiska’s digital experience monitoring platform can also diagnose the performance of Salesforce cloud servers,, third-party plugins and users’ internet and browser performance to rapidly isolate the root cause.

U.S. Salesforce Performance

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Salesforce performance varies greatly across the United States by region, city and time of day. As network routing can be highly dynamic, performance degradations can affect workers periodically. It’s important to quickly detect, diagnose and resolve “Salesforce down” and “Salesforce slow” disruptions to optimize productivity.

These U.S. Salesforce test results show which American cities have the worst connectivity to Use these charts to determine where latency and loss impact Salesforce performance.

If you are experiencing Salesforce issues, Kadiska’s experts can provide a quick assessment to help you diagnose whether network, browser, server, cloud or third-party plugins are causing degraded Salesforce performance, and how to resolve Salesforce issues right now.

Salesforce Performance Across Europe

Latency in (ms)

Salesforce performance varies greatly across European countries, cities and service providers. Highly dynamic network routing can cause sudden performance disruptions that affect worker productivity. Resolving “Salesforce down” and “Salesforce slow” disruptions requires continuous visibility into the network accessibility, path changes and providers between users and

These Salesforce test results from Europe show which cities have the slowest connections to Use them to determine where loss and latency impact your Salesforce users’ digital experience.

Kadiska’s experts can help you quickly resolve Salesforce performance issues across network, browser, server, cloud, third-party plugins, SD WAN and CASB security to optimize infrastructure performance across your sites and users.

Fix Salesforce Performance Issues

Watch the video demo below to learn how we monitor the performance of all network paths to — or any other SaaS application. If you have Salesforce performance issues, request a free trial. We’ll help you resolve Salesforce performance issues and optimize your users’ digital experience.

Kadiska is now part of Netskope
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