App-Watcher Real User Monitoring
App-Watcher computes real user analytics to provide performance insights down the deepest details. Every transaction to a targeted application will be analyzed and response times will be broken down into performance metrics showing the user experience and the impact of every infrastructure component. Kadiska’s platform automatically enriches the real user analytics with context data so that the performance information can be related to each user’s context (location, connectivity, ISP, cloud redirection, CASB / Secure Web Gateway / VPN)

Real User Tracking
App-Watcher tracks how users connect to an application, which transactions they execute, where from, using which device and browser, for all applications and all user locations. Watcher can be deployed on the application-side or on the user-side depending on your context. Use the App-Watcher, application side deployment, to monitor the performance of applications you have control over.
App-Watcher: Application-Side Deployment
App-Watcher’s deployment is based on the insertion of a Javascript reference in the HTML code of your application. This method is purely neutral from a performance standpoint. This will give the instruction to any browser to send its performance analytics to Kadiska’s platform for any hit related to your application (to whichever destination including CDN or 3rd parties hosts) without not generate any additional delay in the loading of the application.
Transaction Performance
App-Watcher measures every page load, every API call providing deep insights into both traditional web apps and modern single page applications.
User Context and Connectivity
App-Watcher identifies the context for every user at any given point of time: remote site, headquarter, home-office, travel. It also tracks the connectivity for each user (ISP used, VPN backhaul, CASB/SASE, gateway used to connect to an application) and measures the level of connectivity of all on site and remote users.
Performance Fault Isolation
App-Watcher can identify which transactions, which hosts in the application (core app, CDN, API, 3rd party services) generate errors or slow response and can also isolate which infrastructure layer is generating the degradation (DNS, local network, ISP, proxy / secured gateway, cloud, application).
Sequence and Critical Rendering
App-Watcher allows your team to get to the very detail of how the application was rendered by a browser for thousands of users and pinpoint where on the path the application did not respond as expected.