Diagnostiquer les problèmes de performances et de latence de Salesforce

par | Sep 26, 2022 | Expérience numérique, Performances des applications, Performances du réseau, Vidéos

Diagnostiquer les problèmes de performances de Salesforce, la latence de Salesforce, la réactivité lente de Salesforce et les performances du réseau en se connectant à Salesforce

Boris Rogier

Boris Rogier


Découvrez comment la plateforme Kadiska peut diagnostiquer rapidement les problèmes de connectivité Salesforce affectant les utilisateurs avec une latence élevée :

Voici la transcription :

So I’ll take an example, for example typical, common sales platform, Salesforce. So where is Salesforce really well accessible for my people and where is it not. The first thing is that one of their hostnames has got a tremendously bad connectivity… like half a second. And the rest looks fine so we can focus on the bad ones and we can see where that’s going to be not so accessible and funnily enough I see a lot of packet loss in North America. You see 26% packet loss, 10%, 16%.

So that’s something that would, forbid users from accessing their applications in a normal way. Loss has been lasting for the whole last week. And huge variations in latency. See the blue curve for Toronto, for example, we move from 30 seconds back to 13 milliseconds, back to 30 seconds. And if you want to know where they happen, underneath that, we see the corresponding route

On the left, you’ve got the stations on the right you’ve got different hosting resolutions. So not all the people are redirected to the same place. Each circle is a router from a given operator and each color correspond to an operator. And we see massive months of loss. For example, in Tata Communication. We see massive amount of loss, on nodes of Zayo, and , if you want to understand when a route is good, what is the path which is taken you just select that in the graph. You get to see that they are redirected to another point and they don’t take the same path and they suffer from even more latency.


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